Healing in nature is such an amazing experience. In the world we live in today, there is a huge disconnect from nature since many of our lives revolve around our phones, computers, and electronics. We forget the healing power of nature for our mind, body, and spirit.

AM Authentically Me uses Eco Healing to reconnect you back to Mother Nature and explore the ways nature can help you heal. This could be figuring out ways to spend more time in nature, using earthing to help relieve stress and anxiety, feeling the benefits of getting away from screens and practicing how to be present in nature through mindfulness and connection, using herbs and plants (food) to heal from the inside out, and so much more!

Eco Healing will look different for everyone. Some people may be disconnected from nature and some may already have a relationship with nature and it’s healing powers. Eco healing can be easily paired with the chakras as well! YOU will play a huge part in creating your own Eco Healing practice 🌱


Free 30 min. consultation

$75 per session